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Célia Tavares de Sousa

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid • Campus de Cantoblanco           Facultad de Ciencias
Dpto. de Física Aplicada
C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 7, M 12 604 - 28049, Madrid  

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Domain of Specialization
  • Synthesis, developing and characterization of new materials by bottom-up and top-down techniques for energy harvesting, biotechnological and metamaterials applications.

  • Bottom-up nanofabrication: self-assembled nanomaterials, electrodeposition and sol-gel techniques.

  • Clean-room techniques: Top-down nanofabrication (by Ion-beam deposition, evaporation, and sputtering), optical lithography, e-beam and focus ion beam lithography, perfilometry.

  • Nanostructures morphologic characterization by TEM, SEM, AFM and MFM.

  • Structural and reflectivity characterization by X-ray diffraction.

  • Electric and magnetic characterization of nanostructures.

  • Fluorescence quenching, UV-Vis and FTIR analysis.

  • Surface modification and functionalization of nanoparticles.

  • Animal cell culture and biomembranes synthesis, biomolecular detection, manipulation, separation and magnetic fluidic hyperthermia.

Intervention within the scientific and professional comunities

- Monitor at “Escola de Verão em Fisica”, in the 4th Edition, DFA, Porto University, Portugal.


- Refree:

Nanoscale Research Letters;

Journal of Non-Crystaline Solids;

Journal of The Electrochemical Society;

Materials Chemistry and Physics;

Surface Review and Letters.


- Cordination of the builing and organization of the Laboratory of Self-Organized Nanostructures at IFIMUP-IN.


- Participation in the juri of assays in doctoral program MAP-FIS of Ana Rita Oliveira Rodrigues, with assay title “Magnetoliposomes: synthesis and applications.”, 19  April 2013 Departamento de Fisica e Astronomia da Universidade do Porto.


- Participation in the juri of pratical work of Biomedical Engenering Master of Virgínia Adorinda Moura Gouveia, with title “pH-sensitive liposomes: formulation and physic-chemical characterization.”, June 2013 Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto.


- Chair on EUROMAT2013, 8-13 September 2013, Sevilla, Spain.


- Participation in the juri of Master Thesis of Virgínia Adorinda Moura Gouveia, with title “pH-sensitive liposomes for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis.”, Biomedical Engenering Master, 10 October 2014, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto.


- Participation in the juri of Master Thesis of Suellen Silveira Moraes, with thesis title “Nanonofios Multissegmentados, Nanodiscos e Nanopartículas Lipídicas Magnéticas para Aplicação em Medicina”, Medical Physics Master, 17 October 2014, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto.


- Participation in the juri of Master Thesis of Sarah Sadik Koch Jamal, with thesis title “The contribution of drug-membrane biophysical studies for the development of safer NSAID: the case of diclofenac”, Integrated Masters in Bioengineering – Molecular Biotechnology, 14 July 2015, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas de Abel salazar, Universidade do Porto.


Portuguese (Mother)

English (Excelent)

Spanish (Very Good)

French (Basic)





Imaje J



Prizes and Awards


Scolarship and Travel Grant for ESONN 2008.

Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships



PhD Scolarship.

FCT – Fundação para a Ciencia e Tecnologia.



Award for Best Poster.

Trends in Nanotechnology Conference



Pos-Doctoral  Scolarship.

FCT – Fundação para a Ciencia e Tecnologia.



Award for Best Poster.

Trends in Nanotechnology Conference



IOPSelected Article




Invited Nanotechnology Lab Talk


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