Célia Tavares de Sousa
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid • Campus de Cantoblanco Facultad de Ciencias
Dpto. de Física Aplicada
C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 7, M 12 604 - 28049, Madrid
Domain of Specialization
Synthesis, developing and characterization of new materials by bottom-up and top-down techniques for energy harvesting, biotechnological and metamaterials applications.
Bottom-up nanofabrication: self-assembled nanomaterials, electrodeposition and sol-gel techniques.
Clean-room techniques: Top-down nanofabrication (by Ion-beam deposition, evaporation, and sputtering), optical lithography, e-beam and focus ion beam lithography, perfilometry.
Nanostructures morphologic characterization by TEM, SEM, AFM and MFM.
Structural and reflectivity characterization by X-ray diffraction.
Electric and magnetic characterization of nanostructures.
Fluorescence quenching, UV-Vis and FTIR analysis.
Surface modification and functionalization of nanoparticles.
Animal cell culture and biomembranes synthesis, biomolecular detection, manipulation, separation and magnetic fluidic hyperthermia.
Intervention within the scientific and professional comunities
- Monitor at “Escola de Verão em Fisica”, in the 4th Edition, DFA, Porto University, Portugal.
- Refree:
Nanoscale Research Letters;
Journal of Non-Crystaline Solids;
Journal of The Electrochemical Society;
Materials Chemistry and Physics;
Surface Review and Letters.
- Cordination of the builing and organization of the Laboratory of Self-Organized Nanostructures at IFIMUP-IN.
- Participation in the juri of assays in doctoral program MAP-FIS of Ana Rita Oliveira Rodrigues, with assay title “Magnetoliposomes: synthesis and applications.”, 19 April 2013 Departamento de Fisica e Astronomia da Universidade do Porto.
- Participation in the juri of pratical work of Biomedical Engenering Master of Virgínia Adorinda Moura Gouveia, with title “pH-sensitive liposomes: formulation and physic-chemical characterization.”, June 2013 Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto.
- Chair on EUROMAT2013, 8-13 September 2013, Sevilla, Spain.
- Participation in the juri of Master Thesis of Virgínia Adorinda Moura Gouveia, with title “pH-sensitive liposomes for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis.”, Biomedical Engenering Master, 10 October 2014, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto.
- Participation in the juri of Master Thesis of Suellen Silveira Moraes, with thesis title “Nanonofios Multissegmentados, Nanodiscos e Nanopartículas Lipídicas Magnéticas para Aplicação em Medicina”, Medical Physics Master, 17 October 2014, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto.
- Participation in the juri of Master Thesis of Sarah Sadik Koch Jamal, with thesis title “The contribution of drug-membrane biophysical studies for the development of safer NSAID: the case of diclofenac”, Integrated Masters in Bioengineering – Molecular Biotechnology, 14 July 2015, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas de Abel salazar, Universidade do Porto.
Portuguese (Mother)
English (Excelent)
Spanish (Very Good)
French (Basic)
Imaje J
Prizes and Awards
Scolarship and Travel Grant for ESONN 2008.
Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships
PhD Scolarship.
FCT – Fundação para a Ciencia e Tecnologia.
Award for Best Poster.
Trends in Nanotechnology Conference
Pos-Doctoral Scolarship.
FCT – Fundação para a Ciencia e Tecnologia.
Award for Best Poster.
Trends in Nanotechnology Conference
IOPSelected Article
Invited Nanotechnology Lab Talk