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Invited Talks

22. Magnetoplasmonic Nanostructures for Biomedical Applications. 1st NPU-UAM Symposium on Advanced Materials, NUSAM, 19-20 September 2023, Xi’an, China.

21. Surface modification of vortex nanodiscs to overcoming macrophage uptake

for efficient theragnosis applications. NanoSeries 2023, 19-21 June 2023, Madrid, Spain.


20. Magnetic nanostructures for emerging medical applications. Invited seminary at Minho University, Portugal, 24th November 2022.

19. Nanofabrication of advanced materials using template assisted electrodeposition in porous anodic templates. EDNANO monthly seminaries, 4th March 2022, online.


18. Nanofabrication of advanced materials for biomedical and energy applications. Invited seminary at CMAM (monthly seminaries), 23th February 2022, Madrid, Spain.


17. Vortex nano-discs: from micromagnetic simulations to cancer cells internalization for magnetomechanically induced damage application. RIVA ONLINE 2021 – IBERIAN VACUUM ONLINE MEETING, 4-6 October 2021.


16. Vortex nanostructures: from micromagnetic simulations to cancer cells internalization for magnetomechanically induced damage application.

AAAFM-UCLA Conference, 18-20 August 2021, University of California, Los Angeles, USA.


15. Magnetic nanostructures for biomedical applications.

The Physics League Across Numerous Countries for Kick-ass Students (PLANCKS 2021), 6-9 May, 2021.


14. Nanomagnetism in Biomedicine.

Invited Seminary at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 27th April 2021, Madrid, Spain.


13. Magnetic Nanowires for Biomedical Applications.

Workshop: One Dimensional Nanostructures and their Applications 2020 (1-D NANO APP 2020), 15th December 2020, Virtual.


12. Tuning the magnetic behaviour of Fe/Cu electrodeposited nanowires with

controllable Fe and Cu.

The Joint European Magnetic Symposia, JEMS 2020, 7-11 December, Virtual.


11. Magnetic nanostructures for emerging biomedical applications.

CICLO DE SEMINARIOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN “Alberto Tejedor“, 25th November 2020, Instituto de Investigacion Sanitária Gragório Maranon, Madrid, Spain.


10. High-aspect-ratio nanoparticles: challenges in bio and energy applications.

ENEF 18, February, 24th  2018 – DFA-FCUP, Porto, Portugal.


9. Electrodeposited nanostructures for energy and biomedical applications.

IMM Seminars, Instituto de Microelectrónica de Madrid – CSIC, September 25th 2017, Madrid, Spain.


8. Multifunctional materials and nanostructures using anodic templates Workshop

Workshop VÁCUO 2017, July 21th 2017, Instituto Pedro Nunes, Coimbra, Portugal.


7. Multifunctional materials and nanostructures using anodic templates

VII Iberian Meeting on Colloids and Interfaces, RICI VII, July 4th - 7th 2017, Madrid, Spain.


6. Nanociência na medicina

Olimpíadas Nacionais de Física, April, 29th 2017, DFA-FCUP, Porto, Portugal.


5. Multifunctional materials and nanostructures: opportunities for materials and solid state physics studies at ISOLDE

ISOLDE Seminar, March 29th 2017, Geneve, Switzerland.


4. Temperature and angular dependence of the magnetic properties of ordered nanowire and nanotube arrays

IFGW-UNICAMP, 11th March 2016, Campinas, Brazil.


3. Bottom-up nanofabrication using self-organized porous templates.

International Conference on Recent Trends in Physics, ICRTP2014, 22-23 February, 2014, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya Indore, India.


2. Nanofabrication Using Nanoporous Alumina Templates.

International Conference on Recent Trends in Physics (ICRTP2012), 4 – 5 February 2012, Indore, India.


1. Nanofabrication Using Nanoporous Alumina Templates.

International Conference «Functional Materials» (ICFM2011), 3 – 8 October 2011, Crimea, Ukraine.

Oral Communications

83. Iron semi-shells in vortex state for biomedical applications.

N. Hidalgo, A. Hernandez-Medel, D. Navas, M. Manso Silvan and Célia Tavares de Sousa.

19th International Conference on Thin Films, ICTF2023, 26-29 September 2023, Burgos, Spain.


82. Au-loaded Se-doped porous Ta2O5 thin films for enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity.

F.J. Fernández-Alonso, F. Agulló-Rueda, C.T. Sousa, V. Torres-Costa, M. Manso-Silván.

19th International Conference on Thin Films, ICTF2023, 26-29 September 2023, Burgos, Spain.

81. Surface functionalization of spin-vortex nano-discs for magnetomechanically

induced damage applications

R. Magalhães, S. Caspani, D. Navas, C. Redondo, R. Morales, S. Lima, C. Nunes, S. Reis, J.P. Araújo, C.T. Sousa

FISICA 2022, 7-10 September 2022, Porto, Portugal.


80. Magnetic properties of Fe vortex nanodiscs and nanowires for emerging

biomedical applications.

C.T. Sousa, R. Magalhães, S. Caspani, D. Navas, C. Redondo, R. Morales, S. Lima, C. Nunes, S. Reis, J.P. Araújo

JEMS 2022, July 24-29, Varsaw, Poland.


79. Folate-targeted lipid nanoparticles as promising nanocarriers for the selective delivery of mitoxantrone to breast cancer cells.

A. Granja, C. Nunes, C.T. Sousa and S. Reis

I Lusophone Meeting on Innovative delivery systems, 30 June 2022, Virtual Meeting.


78. Study of the vortex state in sub-micron iron discs.

C.T. Sousa, R. Magalhães, D. Navas, C. Redondo, R. Morales and J.P. Araújo

RIVA XII, May 16-17, 2022, Braga, Portugal.


77. Vortex Nano-Discs: From Micromagnetic Simulations to Cancer Cells Internalization for Magneto-Mechanically Induced Damage Applications.

R. Magalhães, S. Caspani, D. Navas, C. Redondo, R. Morales, S. Lima, C. Nunes, S. Reis, J.P. Araújo, C.T. Sousa

15th Joint MMM-INTERMAG Conference (2022 Joint), January 10-14, 2022, New Orleans, Lousiana, USA.


76. NiCu/FeCo Multisegmented Cylindrical Nanowires as Writting Heads in Racetrack Memories.

V. Andrade, S. Caspani, J. P. Araújo, C. T. Sousa, M. P. Proença.

Around-the-Clock Around-the-Globe Magnetics Conference (AtC-AtG), online conference, 24th of August 2021.


75. Hematite Nanowires for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting.

P. Quitério, A. Apolinário, D. Navas, S. Magalhães, E. Alves, P. Dias, J. Azevedo, A. M. Mendes, C. T. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.

Sollar Power Tech, online edition at Porto University, 5-8 July 2021.


74. Vortex nano-discs: from micromagnetic simulations to cancer cells internalization for magneto-mechanically induced damage applications.

C.T. Sousa, R. Magalhães, S. Caspani, S. Moraes, L. Peixoto, D. Navas, C. Redondo, R. Morales, S. Lima, C. Nunes, S. Reis and J.P. Araújo.

Intermag 2021, Lyon, France, 26-30 April 2021.


73. Phase Diagram of Magnetization Reversal Modes in Cylindrical Ni Nanowires.

M. P. Proença, J. Rial, J. P. Araújo, C. T. Sousa.

Intermag 2021, Lyon, France, 26-30 April 2021.


72. Tailoring lipid based nanoparticles to fight cancer.

C. Nunes, S. Moraes, F. Soares, S. Lima, M. Horta, R. Leal, C.T. Sousa and S. Reis International Conference on Nanomaterials Applied to Life Sciences 2020 (NALS 2020), 29-31th January 2020.


71. Magnetic behaviour of Fe/Cumultisegmented nanowires: theinfluence of non-magnetic layerthickness.

S. Moraes, D. Navas, F. Beron, M. Proenca, K.R. Pirota, C.T. Sousa and J.P. Araújo.

10th International Symposium on Metallic Multilayers (MML 2019), 17-21th June, 2019, Madrid, Spain.


70. X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS)studies of hematite nanowires for PEC cells.

P. Quitério, A. Apolinário, S. Moraes, D. Navas, P. Dias, J. Azevedo, A. M. Mendes, C. T. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.

8th Meeting of Portuguese Synchrotron Radiation Users, 28 June, 2019, Porto, Portugal.


69. In the Trail of a New DoxorubicinNanoformulation.

S. Moraes, S. Lima, S. Reis, J. P. Araújo, C. Nunes, C. T. Sousa.

SBAN, 6-7th June, 2019, Madrid, Spain.


68. High-aspect-ratio nanoparticles:challenges in bio and energy applications.

C.T. Sousa

ENEF 18, 22th-25th February, 2018, DFA-FCUP, Porto, Portugal.


67. Fast anodic hematite nanotubes for photoelectrochemical cells.

P. Quitério, A. Apolinário, C. T. Sousa, A. Mendes and J. P Araújo

13th International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures (EDNANO13), 30th August - 1st September 2018, Bristol, UK.


66. The role of Cu length on the magnetic behaviour of Fe/Cu multi-segmented nanowires.

S. Moraes, D. Navas, F. Beron, M. P. Proenca, K. R. Pirota, C. T. Sousa, and J. P. Araujo

13th International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures (EDNANO13), 30th August - 1st September 2018, Bristol, UK.


65. Magnetic nanostructures for biotechnological applications.

L. Peixoto, C.T. Sousa, M. Luz, D. Navas, S. Moraes, B. Mora, C. Redondo, R. Morales, J.P. Araújo.

3ª Jornadas em Engenharia Física, Física e Astronomia, 18 May, 2018, Porto, Portugal.


64. Magnetic nanostructures for biotechnological applications.

L. Peixoto, M. Luz, C.T. Sousa, D. Navas, S. Moraes, B. Mora, C. Redondo, R. Morales, J.P. Araújo.

ENEF'18 Porto - Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Física, 22-25 february 2018, Porto, Portugal.


63. Magnetic nanostructures for biotechnological applications.

L. Peixoto, M. Luz, C.T. Sousa, D. Navas, S. Moraes, B. Mora, C. Redondo, R. Morales, J.P. Araújo.

11º IJUP, 7-9 February, 2018, Porto, Portugal.


62. Synthesis and Characterization of High-Aspect-Ratio Hematite Nanostructures for Solar Water Splitting

P. Quiterio, A. Apolinario, C.T. Sousa, J. Azevedo, P. Dias, A. Mendes, J.P. Araujo

ICHEFCT 2017: 19th International Conference on Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cells Technology, 04-05 December 2017, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


61. Reversal Processes in CoCrPt thin films with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy

D. Navas, David; N. Soriano, F. Beron; C.T. Sousa, K. Pirota, C. Redondo, R. Morales, C.A. Ross.

Intermag 2017, 24-28 April 2017, Dublin, Ireland.

8. High-aspect-ratio nanoparticles: challenges in bio and energy applications.

C.T. Sousa      

2ª Jornadas em Engenharia Física, Física e Astronomia, 24 march 2017, Porto, Portugal.


60. Tuning the magnetic properties of multisegmented Ni/Cu electrodeposited nanowires with controllable Ni lengths.

C.T. Sousa, M. Susano, M. Proenca, S. Moraes, J. Araújo

12 th International Workshop on  Electrodeposited Nanostructures (EDNANO-12), 15-16 March, 2017, Sofia, Bulgary.


59. Bottom-up nanofabrication using self-organized porous templates.

C.T. Sousa, A. Apolinário, P. Quitério, J. Azevedo, M. Proença, J. Ventura, D. Navas, J.P. Araújo IN – Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Workshop, IST, Lisbon, Portugal - 7 July of 2016.


58. Detecting  Non-Interacting  Single  Domain  States  in  Ni  Nanowire Arrays using First Order Reversal Curves

M. P. Proenca, C. T. Sousa, J. Ventura, J. Garcia, M. Vázquez and J. P.  Araújo.

Advanced in Magnetics - AIM 2016, Bormio, Italy - March 14-16, 2016.


57. Highly ordered hexagonal arrays of anodic TiO2 nanotubes

A. Apolinário, P. Quitério, C T. Sousa, J. Ventura, J.B. Sousa, J.D. Costa, D.C.  Leitão,  J.M.  Moreira,  L.  Andrade,  A.M.  Mendes  and João  Pedro Araújo.

11 th International Workshop on  Electrodeposited Nanostructures (EDNANO-11), 10-12 September, 2015, Balatonfüred, Hungary.


56. Use of AFORCs to study magnetization reversal mechanisms and magnetostatic

interactions in Co nanowire and nanotube arrays

M. P. Proenca, J. Ventura, C. T. Sousa, M. Vázquez and J.P. Araújo.

International Workshop on Magnetic Nanowires and Nanotubes - IWMNN 2015, May 17 - 20, 2015, Meersburg/Lake Constance, Germany.


55. Fabrication of magnetic nanostructures using self-organized porous templates.

C.T. Sousa

1st IN Workshop Spintronics and Nanomagnetism, Porto, Portugal, 15 September 2014.


54. Exchange bias and training effect in ordered arrays of electrodeposited Co/CoO nanotubes

M. P. Proenca, J. Ventura, C. T. Sousa, M. Vazquez, and J. P. Araujo.

International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2014, Dresden, Germany, 4-8 May 2014.


53. Modelling and optimization of TiO2 nanotubes for dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs)

P. Quitério, A.Apolinário, C.T. Sousa, J. Ventura, J.D. Costa, A.M. Mendes, J.P. Araújo.

XX International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures, 20-22 March 2014, Oberwesel am Rhein, Germany.


52. Electrodeposited Cuprous Oxide as a promising Solar Water Splitting photocathode

J. Azevedo, S.D. Tilley, P. Dias, M. Stefikc, M. Graetzel, C. T. Sousa, J.P. Araújo, A.M. Mendes.

XX International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures, 20-22 March 2014, Oberwesel am Rhein, Germany.


51. Tuning the nanostructures architecture and composition using template assisted electrodeposition

C.T.Sousa, M.P.Proença, J. Azevedo, M. Susano, S. Moraes J. Ventura and J.P. Araújo

XX International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures, 20-22 March 2014, Oberwesel am Rhein, Germany.


50. Magnetic lipidic nanoparticles as a multimodal nanocarriers.

S. Moraes, C.T. Sousa. C. Nunes, M.P. Fernandez-Garcia, S. Reis and J.P. Araújo.

EUROMAT 2013, 8-13 September 2013, Sevilla, Spain.


49. Anodic iron oxide nanotubes: structural and magnetic characterization.

A. Apolinário, C.T. Sousa, A.M.Pereira, M.P.Fernandez,  J. Azevedo, J.M. Teixeira, J. Ventura, L. Andrade, A.M. Mendes and J. P Araújo

International Workshop on Magnetic Nanowires and Nanotubes 2013 , 12–15 May, 2013, Kaub am Rhein, Germany.


48. Temperature and angular dependence of the magnetic properties of ordered nanowire and nanotube arrays.

M. P. Proença, C. T. Sousa, J. Ventura, J. Escrig, M. Vázquez and J. P. Araújo

International Workshop on Magnetic Nanowires and Nanotubes 2013 , 12–15 May, 2013, Kaub am Rhein, Germany.


47. Magnetization reversal processes in ordered arrays of electrodeposited Ni nanowires and nanotubes. M. P. Proen ca, C.T. Sousa, J. Ventura, M. V azquez, and J.P. Ara ujo,

International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG 2012, 7th- 11th of May 2012, Vancouver, Canada.


46. Electrodeposition and magnetic properties of Ni and Co nanotubes in nanoporous alumina templates. M.P. Proen ca, C. T. Sousa, J. Escrig, J. Ventura, M. V azquez, and J. P. Araújo.

9th International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures, 8-10 November 2012, Porto, Portugal .


45. Probing arrays of magnetic nanowires and nanotubes with ferromagnetic resonance.

G. Kakazei, C.T. Sousa, M.P. Proença, A. Apolinario, J. Ventura, S. Bunyaev, Y. Pogorelov, D.C. Leitao, A. Timopheev, N. Sobolev, A. Moskaltsova, M. Vazquez, J.P. Araújo.

9th International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures, 8-10 November 2012, Porto, Portugal.


44. Enhancement of surface area in electrodeposited nanowires through porous anodic alumina tuning.

J. Azevedo, C.T. Sousa, J. Ventura, A. Apolinário, A.M. Mendes and J.P. Araújo.

9th International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures, 8-10 November 2012, Porto, Portugal.


43. Fabrication of nanotube-based Dye Sensitized Solar Cells by potentiostatic anodization of Ti foils.

J. D. Costa, A. Apolinário, C. Sousa, J. Azevedo, J. Ventura and J.P. Araújo.

9th International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures, 8-10 November 2012, Porto, Portugal.


42. Anodic fast-growth of highly ordered hexagonal arrays of TiO2 nanotubes by a single anodization step.

A.Apolinário, C.T. Sousa, J. Ventura, J.D. Costa, D.C. Leitão, J.M. Moreira, J. B. Sousa A.M. Mendes and J. P Araújo,

9th International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures, 8-10 November 2012, Porto, Portugal.


41. Precise control of branched nanowires growth by pulsed Electrodeposition.

C. T. Sousa, A. Apolinario, D. C. Leitao, A. M. Pereira, J. Ventura and J. P. Araujo.

9th International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures, 8-10 November 2012, Porto, Portugal.


40. Fundamental study of pulsed electrodeposition parameters for high degree of pore filling Fe nanowires in porous anodic alumina templates.

J. Azevedo, C.T. Sousa, A. Apolinário, A.M. Mendes and J.P. Araújo.

Trans-Pyrenees Action on Advanced Infrastructures for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology, 9 June 2012, INL Braga, Portugal.


39. Magnetization reversal processes in ordered arrays of electrodeposited Ni nanowires and nanotubes.

M.P. Proenca, C.T. Sousa, J. Ventura, M. Vazquez and J.P. Araujo.

INTERMAG 2012, 7-11 May 2012, Vancouver, Canada.


38. Nanoporous alumina template assisted growth of nanotubes and nanowires.

Célia T. Sousa, D.C. Leitão, M.P. Proença, A. Apolinário, J. Ventura and J.P. Araújo

Flash presentation at NanoSpain 2012, 27 February – 1 March 2012, Santander, Spain.


37. Insights into the role of magnetoelastic anisotropy in the magnetization reorientation of magnetic nanowires.

D.C. Leitão,  J. Ventura, C.T. Sousa ,  A.M. Pereira, J.B. Sousa, M. Vazquez and J.P. Araujo.

56th Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference, 30 October – 3 November 2011, Phoenix, USA.


36. Size and surface effects on the magnetic properties of NiO nanoparticles.

M.P. Proenca,  C.T. Sousa ,  A.M. Pereira, P.B. Tavares , J. Ventura, M. Vazquez and J.P. Araujo.

56th Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference, 30 October – 3 November 2011, Phoenix, USA.


35. Synthesis and Characterization of alpha-Fe2O3 nanostructures for water-splitting applications as enhanced photoanode.

J. Azevedo, C.T. Sousa, J.D. Costa, A. Apolinário, J. Ventura, H.A. Ribeiro, A.M. Mendes and J.P. Araújo.

6th  International Conference On Surfaces, Coatings & Nano-Structured Materials, 17- 20 October 2011, Krakow, Poland.


34. Silica nanotubes: From the preparation to drug loading and controlled release..

C. T. Sousa, C. Nunes, M. Lúcio, M. P. Proença, D. C. Leitão, J. L. C. Lima, S. Reis, J. P. Araújo.

International Meeting on Developments in Materials, Processes and Applications of Emerging Technologies, 27-30 June 2011, Alvor, Portugal.


33. Development of TiO2  nanotube templates for applications in dye-sensitized solar cells.

J. D. Costa, A. Apolinário, J. Azevedo, C. T. Sousa, J. Ventura, H. A. Ribeiro, A. M. Mendes and J. P Araújo.

International Meeting on Developments in Materials, Processes and Applications of Emerging Technologies, 27-30 June 2011, Alvor, Portugal.


32. Synthesis of ∝-Fe2O3 nanostructures for solar cells applications.

J. Azevedo, C. T. Sousa, J. D. Costa, A. Apolinário, J. Ventura, H. A. Ribeiro, A. M. Mendes and J. P. Araújo.

International Meeting on Developments in Materials, Processes and Applications of Emerging Technologies, 27-30 June 2011, Alvor, Portugal.


31. Electrodeposited Nanostructures with title: Growth control of TiO2  nanotubes for dye-sensitized solar cell.

J. D. Costa, A. Apolinário, J. Azevedo, C. T. Sousa, J. Ventura, H. A. Ribeiro, A. M. Mendes andJ. P Araújo.

International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures, 17-18 March 2011, Milan, Italy.


30. Synthesis of ∝-Fe2O3  nanowires arrays by pulsed electrodeposition of Fe in alumina templates. J. Azevedo, C. T. Sousa, J. D. Costa, A. Apolinário, J. Ventura, H. A. Ribeiro, A. M. Mendes and J. P. Araújo.

International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures, 17-18 March 2011, Milan, Italy.


29. Electrochemical deposition of Nickel nanowires and nanotubes inside self-assembled pores of anodic alumina templates.

M. P. Proença, C. T. Sousa, D. C. Leitão, J. Ventura, M. Vazquez and J. P. Araújo

International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures, 17-18 March 2011, Milan, Italy.


28. Silica nanotubes: From the preparation to drug loading and controlled release.

C. T. Sousa, C. Nunes, M. Lúcio, M. P. Proença, D. C. Leitão, J. L. C. Lima, S. Reis, J. P. Araújo.

VI Jornadas do IN-IFIMUP, 4 February 2011, Porto, Portugal.


27. Growth control of TiO2  nanotubes for dye-sensitized solar cell.

J. D. Costa, A. Apolinário, J. Azevedo, C. T. Sousa, J. Ventura, H. A. Ribeiro, A. M. Mendes and J.P Araújo.

VI Jornadas do IN-IFIMUP, 4 February 2011, Porto, Portugal.


26. Synthesis of ∝-Fe2O3  nanowires arrays by pulsed electrodeposition of Fe in alumina templates.

J. Azevedo, C. T. Sousa, J. D. Costa, A. Apolinário, J. Ventura, H. A. Ribeiro, A. M. Mendes and J. P. Araújo.

VI Jornadas do IN-IFIMUP, 4 February 2011, Porto, Portugal.


25. Thickness and order enhancement in arrays of TiO2 nanotubes through a simple electropolishing pre-treatment.

A. Apolinário, C. T Sousa, J. D. Costa, J. Azevedo, J. Ventura, H. A. Ribeiro, A. M. Mendes andJ. P. Araújo

VI Jornadas do IN-IFIMUP, 4 February 2011, Porto, Portugal.


24. Size and surface effects on the magnetic properties of NiO nanoparticles.

M. P. Proença, C. T. Sousa, A. M. Pereira, P. B. Tavares, J. Ventura, M. Vazquez and J. P. Araújo.

VI Jornadas do IN-IFIMUP, 4 February 2011, Porto, Portugal.


23. Fabrication and Characterization of NiO Nanowires Inside Nanoporous Alumina Templates,.

M. P. Proença, C. T. Sousa, D. C. Leitao, J. Ventura, M. Vazquez and J.P. Araújo.

3rd MAP-Fis Conference, 21 January 2011, Porto, Portugal.


22. Development of high aspect ratio nanoparticles in alumina templates for biotechnological applications.

C. T. Sousa,  J. Ventura and J.P. Araújo.

2nd Meting in Integrated Lab on Chip platforms for medical diagnostics, 10 December 2010 Aveiro, Portugal.


21. Silica nanotubes: From the preparation to drug loading and controlled release.

C. T. Sousa, C. Nunes, M. Lúcio, M. P. Proença, D. C. Leitão, J. L. C. Lima, S. Reis, J. P. Araújo.

3rd International Conference on Advanced Nano Materials, 12-15 September 2010, Agadir, Morocco.


20. Using nanoscale surface topography to control the pore size and order in anodic aluminum oxide.

A. Apolinário, D. C. Leitão, C. T. Sousa, J. Ventura, J. B. Sousa, M. Vazquez, J. P. Araújo.

3rd International Conference on Advanced Nano Materials, 12-15 September 2010, Agadir, Morocco.


19. Fabrication and characterization of NIO nanowires inside nanoporous alumina templates.

M. P. Proença, C. T. Sousa, D. C. Leitão, J. Ventura, M. Vazquez and J. P. Araújo.

3rd International Conference on Advanced Nano Materials, 12-15 September 2010, Agadir, Morocco.


18. Pulsed electrodeposition in nanoporous alumina: Control of barrier layer.

C. T. Sousa, D.C. Leitão, A. M. Pereira, A. Apolinário, M. P. Proença, J. G. Correia, J. Ventura and J. P. Araújo

7th International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures, 22-24th April 2010, Bristol U.K.


17. Magnetic and Transport properties of Nanohole Arrays.

D. C. Leitão, C. T. Sousa, J. Ventura, A. M. Pereira, J. B. Sousa, M.Vázquez , J.P. Araújo.

XVI Workshop on Magnetism and Intermetallics, 4-6 March 2010, Porto, Portugal.


16. Comparative Study of Nickel Nanowires and Nanotubes.

M. P. Proença, C. T. Sousa, D. C. Leitão, J. Ventura, M. Vázquez, J. P. Araújo.

XVI Workshop on Magnetism and Intermetallics, 4-6 March 2010, Porto, Portugal.


15. The High Aspect Ratio Nanoparticles in Nanoporous Alumina Templates for Biomedical Applications.

C. T. Sousa, C. Nunes, D. C. Leitão, M. P. Proença, A. Apolinário, M. Lúcio, J. L. C. Lima, S. Reis, A. M. L. Lopes, J. G. Correia, J. B. Sousa and J.P. Araújo.

XVI Workshop on Magnetism and Intermetallics, 4-6 March 2010, Porto, Portugal.


14. Magnetotransport signatures on systems of nanohole arrays.

D. C. Leitão, C. T. Sousa, A. Apolinário, J. Ventura, K. R. Pirota, M. Vazquez, J. B. Sousa, J. P. Araújo.

Joint Intermag/MMM, 18-22 January 2010, Washington USA.


13. Magnetotransport signatures on systems of nanohole arrays.

D. C. Leitão, C. T. Sousa, A. Apolinário, J. Ventura, K. R. Pirota, M. Vazquez, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.

54th  MMM, 20-25 October 2009, Washinton, USA.


12. Ordered Assembly of Oxide Nanotubes in Porous Alumina Membranes for Biomedical Applications.

C. T. Sousa, M. P. Proença, D. C. Leitão, A. M. L. Lopes, J. G. Correia, C. Nunes, M. Lúcio, S. Reis, J. L. F. C. Lima and J. P. Araújo.

NanoSpain 2009, 9-12 March 2009, Zaragoza, Spain.


11. Ordered Assembly of Oxide Nanotubes in a Porous Alumina Membrane.

C. T. Sousa, M. P. Proença, D. C. Leitão, C. Nunes, M. Lúcio, S. Reis, J. L. F. C. Lima, J. B. Sousa, J. P. Araújo, A. M. L. Lopes and J. G. Correia.

MAP-Fis PhD Research Conference 2008/2009, 16-17 Janeiro 2009, Braga, Portugal. 


10. Delocalized versus localized magnetization reversal in template-grown Ni and

Ni80Fe20 nanowires.

D. C. Leitão, C. T. Sousa, J. Ventura, K. R. Pirota, M. Vazquez,  J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.

53rd MMM, 11-15 Novembro 2008, Austin, Texas, USA.


9. Optimizing the inner surface functionalization of silica nanotubes for an efficient drug delivery.

C. Nunes, C. T. Sousa, M. Lúcio, J. P. Araújo, C. M. M. Afonso, S.  Reis and J. L. F. C. Lima.

VIII Conference on Controled Drug Delivery, 26-29 Outubro de 2008, Alcalã de Henares, Madrid, Espanha.


8. Comparative study of the magnetization and magnetotransport properties of template-grown Ni and Ni80Fe20 nanowires.

D. C. Leitão, C. T. Sousa, J. Ventura, K. R. Pirota, M. Vazquez, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.IV Jornadas do IFIMUP, 18 June 2008, Porto, Portugal.


7. Nanoporous Anodic Alumina Templates.

M. P. Proença, C. T. Sousa, D. C. Leitão, A. M. Pereira, J. Ventura, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo              

IV Jornadas do IFIMUP, 18 June 2008, Porto, Portugal.


6. Ordered Assembly of Oxide Nanotubes in a Porous Alumina Membrane.

C. T. Sousa,  M. P. Proença, D. C. Leitão, A. M .L. Lopes,  A. M. Pereira, J. Ventura, J. G. Correia, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

XXI EN-SPQ, Química e Inovação, 11-13 June 2008, Porto, Portugal.


5. Ordered Assembly of Oxide Nanotubes in a Porous Alumina Membrane.

C. T. Sousa, M. P. Proença, D. C. Leitão, A. M. L. Lopes, A. M. Pereira, J. Ventura, J. G. Correia, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.

Engineering and characterisation of nanostructures by photon, ion beam, and nuclear methods – Erasmus School, 2-11 May 2008, Smolenice, Slovakia.  


4. Nanoporous Anodic Alumina Templates.

M. P. Proena, C. T. Sousa, D. C. Leitão, A. M. Pereira, J. Ventura, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo .          

10º ENEF, 9-12 March 2008, Lisboa, Portugal.


3. Ordered Assembly of Nanowires and Nanotubes in Porous Alumina Membranes.

C. T. Sousa, M. P. Proença, D. C. Leitão, A. M. L. Lopes,  A. M. Pereira, J. Ventura, J. G. Correia, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.                                                                                                                 14th Workshop on Magnetism and Intermetallics, 14-15 February 2008, Coimbra, Portugal.


2. Nanoporous Anodic Alumina Templates.

M. P. Proena, C. T. Sousa, D. C. Leitão, A. M. Pereira, J.Ventura, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.           

14th Workshop on Magnetism and Intermetallics, 14-15 February 2008, Coimbra, Portugal.


1. Nanoporous Alumina : Templates for nanostructures.

D. C. Leitão, C. T. Sousa, J. Ventura, F. Carpinteiro, J. P. Araújo, M. Amado and J.B. Sousa.                     III Jornadas do IFIMUP , 9 May 2007, Porto, Portugal.

Panel Communications

101. Plasmonic semi-shells for biomedical applications.

A.Hernández-Medel, E. Martín Rodríguez, Miguel Manso Silván, Célia Tavares de Sousa.

NanoSeries 2023, 19-21 June 2023, Madrid, Spain.


100. Langmuir-Blodgett films of plasmonic semi-shells for biomedical applications.

A.Hernández-Medel, E. Martín Rodríguez, Miguel Manso Silván, Célia Tavares de Sousa.

19th International Conference on Thin Films, ICTF2023, 26-29 September 2023, Burgos, Spain. Best Poster Award


99. Multifunctional Fe-Au nanostructures synthesized by Laser Ablation in


S.C. Freitas, J.H. Belo, M. Canhota, A.S. Silva, H. Crespo, J.P. Araújo and C.T. Sousa

JEMS 2022, July 24-29, Varsaw, Poland.


98. Novel Design of a 3D Racetrack Memory Based on Functional Segments in Cylindrical Nanowires.

J. Rial, S. Caspani, C. Sousa, R. Guedas, J.L. Prieto, M. P. Proenca.

20ème colloque Louis Néel, 28 june-01july 2022, Obernai, France.


97. The key parameters in phototherapy with gold nanorods using a continuous laser.

S.C. Freitas, J.H. Belo, M. Canhota, A.S. Silva, H. Crespo, J.P. Araújo and C.T. Sousa

NALS 2022, 27-29th April 2022, Santander, Spain.


96. Surface functionalization of spin-vortex nano-discs for magneto-mechanically induced damage applications

R. Magalhães, S. Caspani, D. Navas, C. Redondo, R. Morales, S. Lima, S. Reis, C. Nunes, J. P. Araujo, C. T. Sousa.

NALS 2022, 27-29th April 2022, Santander, Spain.


95. Phototheraphy with gold nanorods using a continuous laser: experiemental parametrs and SAR calculations methods.

S.C. Freitas, A. Granja, J.H. Belo, M. Canhota, A.S. Silva, S. Reis, H. Crespo, J.P. Araújo, C.T. Sousa

Ibero-american Congress on Biotechnology, 7-9 April 2022, INL, Braga, Portugal.


94. Multifunctional Fe-Au nanostructures for localized hyperthermia

S.C. Freitas, J.H. Belo, C.T. Sousa, R. Magalhães, H. Crespo, M. Canhota, M.P. Almeida, E. Pereira, B. Almeida, B.M. Silva and J.P. Araújo.

SBAN 2021, Online in Madrid, Sapin, 2-4 June 2021.


93. Functionalization of vortex nanodiscs to control their uptake by cancer cells.

R. Magalhães, C. Nunes, S. Caspani, S. Moraes, D. Navas, C. Redondo, R. Morales, S. Lima, S. Reis, J.P. Araújo and C.T. Sousa.

SBAN 2021, Online in Madrid, Sapin, 2-4 June 2021.


92. Nanosystems for magnetic hyperthermia and local drug administration.

H. Kang, R. López-Méndez, S. Moraes, C. Nunes, S. Reis, J. P. Araujo, C T. Sousa and  A. Espinosa.

SBAN 2021, Online in Madrid, Sapin, 2-4 June 2021.


91. Segmented Au/Fe nanowires for biomedical applications

S. Caspani, S. Moraes, R. Magalhães, J. P. Araújo and C. T. Sousa.

SBAN 2021, Online in Madrid, Sapin, 2-4 June 2021.


90. Isotropic Magnetic Behavior of Multi-Segmented FeCo Nanowire Arrays.

V.M. Andrade, S. Caspani, J. P. Araújo, C. T. Sousa and M.P. Proenca.

Intermag 2021, Lyon, France, 26-30 April 2021.


89. Multifunctional Fe-Au nanostructures for biomedical applications.

S. C. Freitas, J. H. Belo, C. T. Sousa, R. Magalhães, H. Crespo, M. Canhota, M. P. Almeida, E. Pereira, B. Almeida, B.M. Silva and J. P. Araújo.

Intermag 2021, Lyon, France, 26-30 April 2021.


88. Vortex nano-discs for magneto-mechanically induced damage in cancer cells

Sousa, C.T.; Peixoto, L.; Navas, D.; Moraes, S.; Magalhaes, R.; Caspani, S.; Redondo, C.; Morales, R.; Araujo, J.P.

2nd International Conference on Nanomaterials Applied to Life Sciences 2020 (NALS 2020), Madrid, Spain.


87. Iron-based nanostructures encapsulated in lipid nanoparticlesas a multifunctional nanocarriers for doxorubicin controlled delivery.

Moraes, S.; Costa Lima, S.A.; Reis, S.; Célia, C.T.;Nunes, Cláudia.

2nd International Conference on Nanomaterials Applied to LifeSciences (NALS2020), Madrid, Spain.


86. Lipid-based nanocarriers for oraladministration of Lapatinib.

A. Granja, M. Pinheiro, C. T. Sousa, S. Reis.

XXIV Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, 2019, Porto, Portugal.


85. Lipid nanoparticles as drug delivery vehicles forbreast cancer therapy.

A. Granja, M. Pinheiro, C. Sousa and S. Reis

Advanced spectroscopic analytical methods and newtechnologies in drug delivery Combined UNGAP & NordicPOP hands-onTraining School. Helsinky, Finland.


84. Hematite nanowires for PEC hydrogenproduction: the effect of Ti dopant and temperature.

P. Quitério, A. Apolinário, C. T. Sousa, P. Dias, J. Azevedo, A. M. Mendes, and J. P. Araújo.

2nd Portuguese Condensed Matter Physics Meeting, 8 – 10 May, 2019, Porto, Portugal.


83. Mgnetic Behavior in multi-segmentednanowires of Fe/Cu with diferent number of layers.

S. Moraes, D. Navas, M. P.Proenca, C. T. Sousa and J.P. Araújo.

2nd Portuguese Condensed Matter Physics Meeting, 8 – 10 May, 2019, Porto, Portugal.


82. Micromgnetic Study of the vortex state in sub-micron iron discs.

L. Peixoto, C.T. Sousa, D. Navas, J.P. Araújo.

2nd Portuguese Condensed Matter Physics Meeting, 8 – 10 May, 2019, Porto, Portugal.


81. Vortex nano-discs for biomedical applications.

L. Peixoto, C.T. Sousa, D. Navas, S. Moraes, C. Redondo, R. Morales, S. Lima, S. Reis,

J.P. Araújo.

10th International Symposium on Metallic Multilayers (MML 2019), 17-21 June 2019, Madrid, Spain.


80. Assessing the influence of gold nanoparticles in photodynamic therapy using singlet oxygen sensitizers.

O.A. Gederaas, A. Granja, T.A. Hansen, M. Lindgren, M. Pinheiro, C. T. Sousa and S. Reis.

3rd BioBrillouin Meeting, September 25th - 27th to September 2019, Porto, Portugal.


79. Doxorubicin Nanoformulation Loading Magnetic Nanoparticles.

S. S. Moraes, S. Lima, S. Reis, J. P. Araújo, C. Nunes, C. T. Sousa.

3rd BioBrillouin Meeting, September 25th - 27th to September 2019, Porto, Portugal.


78. Lipid-based nanocarriers for oral administration of Lapatinib.

A. Granja, M. Pinheiro, C. T. Sousa, S. Reis.

XXIV Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, 21-23 November 2018, Porto, Portugal.


77. Hematite photoanodes with high aspect-ratio for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production.

P. Quitério, A. Apolinário, C. T. Sousa, P. Dias, J. Azevedo, A. Mendes and J. P. Araújo.

ANEM 2018, 12-14 December, The University of Western Australia, Crawley Campus, Perth, Australia.


76. Nanostructured photoanodes for solar cells.

A. Apolinário, C. T. Sousa, J. Ventura, A. M. Mendes and J. P. Araújo.

Física 2018 – 21ª Conferência Nacional de Física, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.


75. Vortex nano-discs for magneto-mechanically induced damage in cancer cells.

L. Peixoto, M. Luz, C.T. Sousa, D. Navas, S. Moraes, B. Mora, C. Redondo, R. Morales, J.P. Araújo.

Física 2018 – 21ª Conferência Nacional de Física, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.


74. Magnetic Nanoparticles as a Multimodal Nanocarriers for Cancer Therapies.

S. Moraes, C. T. Sousa, J. P. Araújo. 2ª Jornadas em Engenharia Física, Física,

JEFFA – Jornadas de Engenharia Física, Física e Astronomia, 18 May 2018, Porto, Portugal.


73. Hematite nanostructures for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production.

P. Quitério, A. Apolinário, B. Balogun, M. Luz, J. Azevedo, P. Dias, C.T. Sousa, A. Mendes, J. P. Araújo

JEFFA – Jornadas de Engenharia Física, Física e Astronomia, 18 May 2018, Porto, Portugal.


72. High-aspect-ratio nanoparticles for biomedical research and applications

C.T. Sousa, J.P. Araújo and the M3N group  

1st BioBrillouin Meeting, 13-15 September 2017, Vienna, Austry.


71. Paclitaxel loaded hybrid magnetic-lipid nanoparticles as a novel approach for cancer therapy

M. Horta, R. Leal, S. Lima, C. T. Sousa, J. P. Araújo, S. Reis, C. Nunes

1st BioBrillouin Meeting, 13-15 September 2017, Vienna, Austry.


70. Magnetic Nanowires and Nanodiscs Encapsulated in Lipid Nanoparticles as a Multifunctional Nanocarriers for Biomedical Applications.

S. S. Moraes, C. T. Sousa, C. Nunes, S. Reis and J. P. Araújo.

1st BioBrillouin Meeting, 13-15 September 2017, Vienna, Austry.


69. High aspect-ratio hematite nanostructures for photoelectrochemical water splitting

P. Quitério, B. Balogun, M. Luz, A. Apolinário, J. Azevedo, C.T. Sousa, A. Mendes, and J.P. Araújo.

DCE 2017 - 2nd Doctoral congress in Engenering, 8-9 June 2017, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.


68. High Aspect Ratio Magnetic Nanoparticles as a Multimodal Nanocarriers for Cancer Therapies.

S. Moraes, C. Sousa, J.P. Araújo.

DCE 2017 - 2nd Doctoral congress in Engenering, 8-9 June 2017, FEUP, Porto, Portugal.


67. High aspect-ratio hematite nanostructures for photoelectrochemical cells.

P. Quitério, B. Balogun, M. Luz, A. Apolinário, J. Azevedo, C.T. Sousa, A. Mendes, and J.P. Araújo.

JEFFA – Jornadas de Engenharia Física, Física e Astronomia, 24th March 2017, FCUP, Porto, Portugal.


66. Morphologic and Crystalline structure of Bi-Te based nanomaterials by electrodeposition.

Mariana Proenca, M. Rosmaninho, P. Resende, C. Sousa, J. Ventura, J. Araújo, L. Fernandes, P. Tavares, A. Pereira.

12th International Workshop on  Electrodeposited Nanostructures (EDNANO-12), 15-16 March, 2017, Sofia, Bulgary.


65. Optical, structural, morphological and electrochemical properties of nanostructured Mn doped CeO2 thin films prepared by SILAR.

B.B. Balogun, C.T. Sousa, G.N. Kakazei, J.P. Araújo, P.Eaton, I.C. Amaechi, M.I. Nwachukwu.

II Jornadas Nacionais de caracterização de materiais, 24-26 January 2017.


64. Electrodeposition: A tool to grow tuned nanowires for biomedical and magnetic recording applications.

M. P. Proença, C. T. Sousa, S. Moraes, J. Azevedo, J. Ventura and J. P. Araújo

IN – Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Workshop, 7 July of 2016, IST, Lisbon, Portugal.


63. Nanostructured perovskite manganites for magnetic refrigeration.

M. Kumaresavanji, C.T. Sousa, I.T. Gomes, B.G. Almeida, A.M.L. Lopes and J.P. Araujo.

IN – Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Workshop, 7 July of 2016, IST, Lisbon, Portugal.


62. Study of the TiO2 nanotubes growth with the anodization charge curves

P. Quitério, A. Apolinário, C. T. Sousa, J. D. Costa, J. Ventura, J. P. Araújo

IN – Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Workshop, 7 July of 2016, IST, Lisbon, Portugal.


61. P. Study of the TiO2 nanotubes growth with the anodization charge curves.

Quitério, A. Apolinário, C. T. Sousa, J. D. Costa, J. Ventura, J. P. Araújo

JEFFE – Jornadas de Engenharia Física e Física Experimental, DFA – FCUP, 12 February 2016 - Porto, Portugal.


60. Magnetic properties of hexagonally ordered nanowire and nanotube arrays.

M. P. Proenca, J. Ventura, C. T. Sousa, J. Escrig, M. Vazquez, and J. P. Araujo

International Conference on Magnetism, 5th-10th July 2015, Barcelona, Spain.


59. Tuning  the  magnetic  properties  of  multisegmented  Ni/Cu  electrodeposited

nanowires with controllable Ni lenghts

M. Susano, C.T. Sousa, M.P. Proença, S. Moraes and J.P. Araújo

11 th International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures (EDNANO-11), 10-12 September, 2015, Balatonfüred, Hungary.


58. Easy decoration of Ni nanoparticles on large graphene sheets.

Rahul Krishna, Catarina Dias, Clara Pereira, Diana M. Fernandes, Célia Sousa, Luís Guerra, Cristina Freire, João P. Araujo, João Ventura and Elby Titus.

International conference on Advanced Nanomaterials - ANM, 20-22 July 2015, Aveiro, Portugal.


57. Magnetic Interactions and Reversal Modes in Co Nanowire and Nanotube Arrays

Mariana P. Proenca, João Ventura, Célia T. Sousa, Juan Escrig, Manuel Vázquez and João P. Araújo

International conference on Advanced Nanomaterials - ANM, 20-22 July 2015, Aveiro, Portugal.


56. Anisotropic magnetic behavior of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3nanotube arrays derived from sol-gel route

M. Kumaresavanji, C.T. Sousa, M.P. Proença, A.M.L. Lopes and J.P. Araujo

International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, 7-11 July 2014, Grenoble, France.


55. Magnetic-lipid nanoparticles using electrodeposited nanowires Magnetic-lipid nanoparticles using electrodeposited nanowires

M. Susano, S. Moraes, C. T. Sousa, M.P. Proença, J. P. Araújo

XX International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures, 20-22 March 2014, Oberwesel am Rhein, Germany.


54. Anodic iron oxide nanotubes: structural and magnetic characterization

A. Apolinário, C.T. Sousa, A.M.Pereira, M.P.Fernandez, J. Azevedo, J.M. Teixeira, J. Ventura, L. Andrade, A.M. Mendes, J. P Araújo

XX International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures, 20-22 March 2014, Oberwesel am Rhein, Germany.


53. Electrodeposition of Bi2Te3 Nanomaterials for Thermoelectric Generators

M. Rosmaninho, M. Proença, C.T. Sousa, J. Ventura, J.P. Araujo, A.M. Pereira

XX International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures, 20-22 March 2014, Oberwesel am Rhein, Germany.


52. Synthesis and magnetic properties of La0.7A0.3MnO3 (A =Ca and Sr) nanotubes array

M. Kumaresavanji1, C.T. Sousa1, M.P. Proença1, A. Apolinario1, A.M.L. Lopes2 and J.P. Araujo1

NanoPT 2014, 12-14 February, Porto, Poertugal.


51. Comparison of magnetic properties of Ni and Co nanowire and nanotube arrays by ferromagnetic resonance.

M.P. Proenca, C.T. Sousa, J. Ventura, Y.G. Pogorelov, M. Vázquez, A. Timopheev, N.A. Sobolev, J.P. Araujo and G.N. Kakazei.

12th Joint MMM INTERMAG Conference, 14-18 January 2013, Illinois, Chicago, USA.


50. Transport Properties of Magnetic Ni and Ni-alloy Nanowire Arrays.

D.C. Leitao, L.G. Vivas, C.T. Sousa, A.M. Pereira, M. Vazquez, J. Ventura and J.P. Araujo.

12th Joint MMM INTERMAG Conference, 14-18 January 2013, Illinois, Chicago, USA.


49. Comparative study of magnetic reversal modes in ordered arrays of electrodeposited nanowires and nanotubes.

M. P. Proença, C. T. Sousa, J. Ventura, M. V azquez, and J. P. Araújo.

Third European Workshop on Self-Organized Nanomagnets, 16-20 of April 2012, Guadarrama, Spain.


48. Crossover between magnetic reversal modes in ordered arrays of electrodeposited nanotubes.

M. P. Proençaa, C. T. Sousa, J. Escrig, J. Ventura, M. V azquez, and J. P. Araújo.

13th Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference, 10-14 September 2012, Madrid, Spain.


47. Arrays of nanowires and nanotubes by self-assembly nanofabrication.

C.T. Sousa, D.L. Leitão, M.P. Proença, A. Apolinário, J. Azevedo, J.D. Costa, M.C. Custódio,

J. Ventura, J.P. Araújo.

IN (Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology) Advisery board IFIMUP Meeting 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.


46. Synchrotron radiation studies on magnetic Fe-oxide nanowires electrodeposited into porous alumina templates.

J. Azevedo, M. P. Fernandez-Garcia, C.T. Sousa, J.M. Teixeira, A. Apolinario, G. Aquilanti, L. Olivi, A. Mendes, J.P. Araújo.

9th International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures, 8-10 November 2012, Porto, Portugal.


45. Growth and crystallization of HfO2 nanoporous templates.

A. Apolinario, C.T. Sousa, A.M.L. Lopes, G.N.Oliveira, J.P. Araújo.

9th International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures, 8-10 November 2012, Porto, Portugal.


44. Chemical functionalization of magnetic nanostructures for multimodal bio-applications.

P.C. Pinheiro, C.T. Sousa, J.P. Araújo, A.J. Guiomar, A.L. Daniel-da-Silva, T. Trindade.

Colloids and Nanomedicine 15-17 July, 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


43. Fe K-edge fluorescence spectroscopy on magnetic Fe-oxide nanowires with potential use on photoelectrochemical cells.

J. C. A. M. Azevedo, M. P. Fernandez-Garcia, C. T. Sousa, J. M. Teixeira, A. Apolinario, G. Aquilanti, L. Olivi, A. Mendes, J. P. Araújo.

Encontro Nacional de utilizadores de sincrotrão, January 2012, Lisbon, Portugal.


42. Nanoporous alumina template assisted growth of nanotubes and nanowires.

Célia T. Sousa, D.C. Leitão, M.P. Proença, A. Apolinário, J. Ventura and J.P. Araújo

NanoSpain 2012, 27 February – 1 March 2012, Santander, Spain.


41. Probing the quality of Ni filled nanoporous alumina templates with ferromagnetic resonance.

C. T. Sousa, D. C. Leitão, M. P. Proença, A. Apolinário, J. G. Correia, A. M. Azevedo, N. A. Sobolev, S. A. Bunyaev, J. Ventura, J. P. Araújo, G. N. Kakazei

Recent Trends in Nanomagnetism, Spintronics and their Applications, 1 – 4 June 2011 Ordizia Spain.


40. Silica nanotubes: From the preparation to drug loading and controlled release.

C. T. Sousa, C. Nunes, M. Lúcio, M. P. Proença, D. C. Leitão, J. L. C. Lima, S. Reis, J. P. Araújo.

ImagineNano, 11-14 April 2011, Bilbao, Spain.  


39. Size and surface effects on the magnetic properties of NiO nanoparticles.

M. P. Proença, C. T. Sousa, A. M. Pereira, P. B. Tavares, J. Ventura, M. Vazquez, J. P. Araújo.

ImagineNano, 11-14 April 2011, Bilbao, Spain.


38. Thickness and order enhancement in arrays of TiO2 nanotubes through a simple electropolishing pre-treatment.

A. Apolinário, C. T. Sousa, J. D. Costa, J. Azevedo, J. Ventura, H. A. Ribeiro, A. M. Mendes and J. P. Araújo.

ImagineNano, 11-14 April 2011, Bilbao, Spain.


37. Expedite method to measure electrical transport properties in AAO embedded nanowires grown by electrodeposition.

D. C. Leitão, C. T. Sousa, J. Ventura, A. M. Pereira, J. B. Sousa, M. Vazquez and J. P. Araújo.

EDNANO 8 , 17 - 19  March 2011, Milan, Italy.


36. Pulsed electrodeposition stages and growth mechanism of metal nanowires in nanoporous alumina templates.

C. T. Sousa, D. C. Leitão, A. Apolinário, M. P. Proença, A. M. Pereira, J. Ventura and  J. P. Araújo.

EDNANO 8 , 17 - 19  March 2011, Milan, Italy.


35. Growth of NiO Nanowires by Sol-gel Template Methods using Nanoporous Alumina Membranes.

M. P. Proença, C. T. Sousa, D.C. Leitão, J. Ventura, M. A. Sá, J. B. Sousa, M. Vazquez, J. P. Araújo.

NanoLitho 2010 - 3rd Spanish Workshop on Nanolithography, 18-20 November, Madrid, Spain.


34. Transport properties of Ni and NiFe nanowires grown by pulsed electrodeposition.

D. C. Leitão, C. T. Sousa, J. Ventura, J. B. Sousa, M. Vazquez and J. P. Araújo.

55th MMM, 14-18 November 2010, Atlanta USA.


33. Fast deposition of elongated Nickel nanowires inside nanoporous alumina templates.

M. P. Proença , C. T. Sousa, D. C. Leitão, J. Ventura,  M. Vazquez, J. P. Araújo.

11th Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference, 6 -10 September 2010, Braga, Portugal, best poster award.


32. Growth of NiO Nanowires by Sol-gel Template Methods using Nanoporous Alumina Membranes.

M. P. Proença, C. T. Sousa, D. C. Leitão, J. Ventura, M. A. Sá, J. B. Sousa, M. Vazquez, J. P. Araújo.

European School On Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies, August 23 - September 12 2009, Grenoble, France.


31. Potentiostatic Electrodeposition of Nickel Nanowires inside Nanoporous Alumina Templates.

M. P. Proença, C. T. Sousa, D. C. Leitâo, J. Ventura, M. Vazquez and J. P. Araujo.

7th International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures, 22 - 24 April 2010, Bristol, England.


30. Pulsed electrodeposition of metal nanowires in nanoporous alumina templates.

C. T.  Sousa, D. C. Leitão, A. M. Pereira, A. Apolinário, M. P. Proença, J. G. Correia, J. Ventura and J. P. Araújo.

Encontro Nacional 2010 de Física da Matéria Condensada, 18-19 Fevereiro 2010, Lisbon, Portugal.


29. Magnetotransport signatures on systems of nanohole arrays.

D. C. Leitão, C. T. Sousa, A. Apolinário, J. Ventura, K. R. Pirota, M. Vazquez, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.

International Conference on Magntism, ICM, 27– 31 July 2009 Karlsruhe, Germany.


28. Synthesis and characterization of ordered arrays of manganite nanotubes.

C. T. Sousa, D. C. Leitão, M. P .Proença, A.M.L. Lopes, J. G. Correia, J. P. Araújo,  T. E. Torres, , L. Asin, M. R. Ibarra, C. Marquina and G. F. Goya.

International Conference on Magntism, ICM, 27– 31 July 2009 Karlsruhe, Germany.


27. High aspect ratio Ni nanoparticles for magnetic hyperthermia.

C. T. Sousa, D. C. Leitão, M. P. Proença, A. Apolinário, J. G. Correia, J. P. Araújo, T. E. Torres, L. Asin, M. R. Ibarra, C. Marquina and G. F. Goya.

International Conference on Magntism, ICM, 27– 31 July 2009 Karlsruhe, Germany.


26. Silica nanotubes as drug delivery systems: tuning the surface functionalization for an efficient drug release.

C. Nunes, C. T. Sousa, M. Lúcio, J. P. Araújo, C. M. M. Afonso, S. Reis and J. L. F. C. Lima.

V Jornadas do IFIMUP, 18 June 2008, Porto, Portugal.


25. Growth of NiO Nanowires by Sol-gel Template Methods using Nanoporous Alumina Membranes.

M. P. Proença, C. T. Sousa, D. C. Leitão, J. Ventura, M. A. Sá, J. B. Sousa, M. Vazquez and J. P. Araújo

V Jornadas do IFIMUP, 18 June 2009, Porto, Portugal.


24. High Aspect Ratio Nanoparticles in Nanoporous Alumina Templates for Biomedical Applications.

C. T. Sousa, C. Nunes, D.C. Leitão, M. P. Proença, A. Apolinário, M. Lúcio, J. L. C. Lima, S. Reis, A. M. L. Lopes, J. G. Correia, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.

V Jornadas do IFIMUP, 18 June 2009, Porto, Portugal.


23. Silica nanotubes as drug delivery systems: tuning the surface functionalization for an efficient drug release.

C. Nunes, C. T. Sousa, M. Lúcio, J. P. Araújo, C. M. M. Afonso, S.  Reis and J. L. F. C. Lima.

NanoMedicine, 12-15 June, 2009, Cascais, Portugal.


22. Magnetic Nanotubes and Nanowires in Porous Alumina Membranes for Biomedical Applications.

C. T.  Sousa, C. Nunes, M. Lúcio, M. P. Proença, D. C. Leitão , J. L. C. Lima,  S. Reis, A. M. L. Lopes, , J. G. Correia, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.

NanoMedicine, 12-15 June, 2009, Cascais, Portugal.


21. Optimizing the inner surface functionalization of silica nanotubes for an efficient drug delivery.

C. Nunes, C. T. Sousa, M. Lúcio, J. P. Araújo, C. M. M. Afonso, S.  Reis and J. L. F. C. Lima. III Conferencia Nacional de Química Farmacêutica, 14-15 November 2008, Porto, Portugal.


20. Py antidot thin films: a transport and magnetic characterization as a function of Temperature.

D. C. Leitão, C. T. Sousa, J. Ventura, J. S. Amaral, F. Carpinteiro, K. R. Pirota, M. Vazquez, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.

JEMS08, 14-20 Setember 2008, Dublin, Irland.


19. Temperature dependent transport properties of electrodeposited Ni and Ni80Fe20 nanowires grown in alumina nanoporous templates.

D. C. Leitão, C. T. Sousa, J. Ventura, J. S. Amaral, F. Carpinteiro, K. R. Pirota, M. Vazquez, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araujo.

JEMS08, 14 - 20 Setember 2008, Dublin, Irland.


18. Py antidot thin films: a transport and magnetic characterization as a function of temperature.

D. C. Leitão, C. T. Sousa, J. Ventura, J. S. Amaral, F. Carpinteiro, K. R. Pirota, M. Vazquez, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.

ESONN 2008, 23 August -13 September 2008, Grenoble, France.


17. Surface modification of silica nanotubes for efficient drug release.

C. T. Sousa, C. Nunes, M. Lúcio, M. P. Proença, D. C. Leitão, A. M. Pereira, J. Ventura, S. Reis, J. L. F. C. Lima, J. G. Correia, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.  

ESONN2008, 23 August -13 September 2008, Grenoble, France.


16. Silica nanotubes for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs delivery.

C. T. Sousa, C. Nunes, M. Lúcio, M. P.  Proença, D. C. Leitão, A. M. Pereira, J. Ventura, S. Reis, J. L. F. C. Lima, J. G. Correia, J. B. Sousa, J. P. Araújo.  

ANM 2008, 14-15 June, Aveiro.


15. Silica nanotubes as drug delivery systems: tuning the surface functionalization for an efficient drug release.

C. Nunes, C. T. Sousa, M. Lúcio, J. P. Araújo, C. M. M. Afonso, S. Reis and J. L. F. C. Lima.

ANM 2008, 14-15 June, Aveiro.


14. Temperature dependent transport properties of electrodeposited Ni and Ni80Fe20 nanowires grown in alumina nanoporous templates.

D. C. Leitão, C. T. Sousa, J. Ventura, J. S. Amaral, F. Carpinteiro, K. R. Pirota, M. Vazquez, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.

ANM 2008, 14-15 June, Aveiro.


13. Ordered Assembly of Oxide Nanotubes in a Porous Alumina Membrane.

M. P. Proença, C. T. Sousa, A. M. L. Lopes, D. C. Leitão, J. Ventura, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araujo,

ChemOnTubes 2008, 6-9 April 2008, Zaragoza, Spain.


12. Ordered Assembly of Oxide Nanotubes in a Porous Alumina Membrane.

M. P. Proenca, C. T. Sousa, A. M. L. Lopes, D. C. Leitão, J. Ventura, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo. Nanospain 2008, 14 – 18 April 2008, Braga, Portugal.


11. Py antidot thin films: a transport and magnetic characterization as a function of temperature.

D. C. Leitão, C. T. Sousa J. Ventura, F. Carpinteiro, K. R. Pirota, M. Vazquez, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.

Nanospain 2008, 14 – 18 April 2008, Braga, Portugal.


10. Anodization Process of Self-Ordering Nanoporous Alumina Membranes in Phosphoric Acid.

M. P. Proenca , C. T. Sousa, D. C. Leitão, J. Ventura, F. Carpinteiro, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.

9th International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids, 27-30 Abril 2008, Porto, Portugal.


9. Characterization of electrodeposited Ni and Ni80Fe20 nanowires.

D. C. Leitao, C. T. Sousa J. Ventura, J. S. Amaral, F. Carpinteiro, K. R. Pirota, M. Vazquez, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.

9th International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids, 27 - 30 Abril 2008, Porto, Portugal.


8. Py antidot thin films: a transport and magnetic characterization as a function of temperature.

D. C. Leitão, C. T. Sousa J. Ventura, F. Carpinteiro, K. R.Pirota, M. Vazquez, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.

9th International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids, 27-30 Abril 2008, Porto, Portugal.


7. Co Antidot Thin Films Deposited on Nanoporous Alumina Templates.

C. T. Sousa, D. C. Leitão, J. Ventura, F. Carpinteiro, M. M. Amado, J. B. Sousa and J. P. AraújoMoris 2007, September 2007, Pittusburgh USA.


6. Co Thin Films Deposited On Nanoporous Alumina Templates: from antidot arrays to continuous layer.

C. T. Sousa, D. C. Leitão, J. Ventura, F. Carpinteiro, M. M. Amado, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.Nanotec School,  Grenoble August-September 2007, France.


5. Nanoporous Self-organized Anodic Alumina Templates.

C. T. Sousa, D. C. Leitao, J. Ventura, A. M. Pereira, M. Amado, J. B. Sousa and J. P. Araújo.

8º ENCMP SPQ, September 2008, Lamego, Portugal.         


4. Influence of surface pre-treatment on the pore growth of nanoporous alumina at room temperature.

D. C. Leitâo, C. T. Sousa, J. Ventura, F. Carpinteiro, M. Amado, J. P. Arajo and J. B. Sousa.

EMRS Fall Meeting, 17 -20 September 2007, Varsaw, Polland.


3. Inufence of surface pre-treatment on the pore structure of anodic oxide aluminum.

D. C. Leitão, C. T. Sousa, J. Ventura, F. Carpinteiro, M. Amado, J. P. AraÚjo and J. B. Sousa.

DyProSo XXXI, 25 - 29 September 2007, Porto, Portugal.


2. Substituted phenols, pollutants that affect membrane fluidity.

C. Nunes, C. T. Sousa, H. Ferreira, M. Lúcio, J. L. F. Costa Lima, S. Reis and A. Cordeiro-da-Silva.

SPQ-Analítica’07, 29 - 30 March 2007, Lisbon, Portugal.


1. Effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the cellular membrane fluidity.

C. T. Sousa ,C. Nunes, H. Ferreira, M. Lúcio, J. L. F. Costa Lima, S. Reis and A. Cordeiro-da-Silva.

SPQ-Analítica’07, 29 - 30 March 2007, Lisbon, Portugal

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